every box of dominion, whether basic or expansion, comes with some blue back cards (normal is gray) that must be used to draw the setup of game cards. Using the draw cards, you have a virtually unlimited number of possible combinations in each game, even with just the basic box. We are not mathematicians, but we know that in a universe of 25 cards and a setup that only uses 10 of them at a time, the number of combinations is immense. Anyone able to do the math?
But if you don't want to use the draw cards, you can keep them in the box and use an app to draw. There are several applications available, but there is a specific one that is already translated into Portuguese, with the Conclave translation. The app has been translated by Leonardo N. Guimarães Costa, who is also responsible for the group Dominion – Deck Building Game, on Facebook.
The app is available for Android and you can install it on your device by clicking on here.