The mystery is finally over! the long awaited Robinson Crusoe is in production. The beautiful components have already reached our hands and the revision of the translation is almost complete. We know it's no excuse, but the delay in its release was due to a number of reasons, and the main one was you!
That's right. It was with our customers in mind that Conclave decided to delay the launch of Robinson Crusoe to bring its new edition to Brazil. This new edition was only released in Poland, Spain and Italy and its American edition is not expected to be released until the end of this year.
When we enter into the contract with the Portal Games to publish Robinson Crusoe in Brazil, it was closed to the version already published in English, the same version of Z-Man Games. However, in mid-2014 Portal itself published a new edition – Game of the Year, with some differences that we will present below. This edition had only been published in Polish, which obviously made it difficult to bring it to Brazil. At the beginning of 2015 we received the news that this new version would be released in Italy and Spain and this changed the scenario a lot.
So we thought: bring the old version this year (2015), or wait for the new version and release it in 2016? The answer everyone knows. Even though this decision may have generated some dissatisfaction due to the delay, we consider it to be the best decision. But don't think it was easy. After completing the translation of the first edition (from English), we had to start from scratch due to the changes, and worse, we had to translate everything from the Spanish language (checking the doubts in Italian and Polish), After all, the capital of Brazil is Buenos Aires, isn't it? 🙂
Okay, but what's new? One of the big changes was the Rulebook, which has always been the reason for criticism of the game. The rules remain the same, but the manual has become much more didactic and easier to understand. In addition to more complete and explanatory. The layout of the manual is completely new and the ergonomics of the information make it much easier to understand and search for data.
There was also a change in the scenarios, now there are seven in total. King Kong Island is a setting where players play as members of a film crew who go to an unexplored island to make a movie about a giant gorilla. The rest of the scenario you will have to find out by playing!
Wooden tokens have been changed. Before they were simple colored cubes, now they are customized pieces: perishable foods in the form of a banana, non-perishable in the form of bread, skins in the form of stretched skins and wood in long pieces, representing sticks.
Marking tokens also stopped being cubes and became disks. Additionally, the game comes with stickers that are pasted on the tokens to represent the player characters and the other pawns in the game (like Dog, Friday, etc.). The character sheets themselves will be made of denser and more resistant paper (avoiding those 'accidents' where the sheet shakes and all the markers fall out of place).
In addition, there has been a change in the layout of the scenarios, new appearance of the first player marker (it is now a compass), and new bag and basket markers.
Also, to facilitate the game in all your turns, this new version includes a reference sheet, a quick guide that helps you to correctly follow all the steps of the turn.
So, all the changes made to the original plan were to give you the best gaming experience. Robinson Crusoe: Adventures on the Cursed Isle” and that will be possible in May, or sooner if King Kong lets it!
But… regardless of King Kong, the good news is that the pre-sale starts next week, more precisely next Friday. We decided to make a pre-sale earlier, as the demand for the game is higher than expected and we want to be sure of some numbers to know how much we will meet. Our pre-sales will be carried out in the same way as always, through our partner shopkeepers (you can already start poking the shopkeeper of your choice, asking for your game). More details such as the game's price and a certain delivery date next week. Keep an eye out!