14435292_1074153226014774_5927160091929638471_oWorking with board games in an international market sometimes requires difficult decisions… The market is constantly moving, changing all the time, with releases and more releases and, of course, new editions… That's what happened with Robinson Crusoe, as we said on here. And that's where the tricky decisions lie: release the current edition, or get slaughtered for months as a publisher who delayed publishing a game and wait for the later edition? Well, we're kind of masochistic in this regard, so, like what we did with Robinson Crusoe, we always want to offer the Brazilian public the latest in a game and we prefer to wait, keep our mouths shut until we can talk about our plans or be run over by a fanatical player who discovers this before us… 🙂 And that was the case of dominion

A new edition of dominion and therefore this explains our delay in releasing new expansions for the game. We knew something was being done for Dominion, but we didn't know how, when or what it would be. We decided to wait. This was certainly the best decision.

Everything is still a little hazy about this new edition of the game, but here are some details given by Donald X. Vaccarino himself about the changes:

I will post a Secret Story when the cards are available, commenting on all the changes and new cards. For now, here is a list of the changes:

For Basic Dominion and Intrigue:

– Six cards will be replaced by new cards
– An additional card included in the game (in place of white cards)
– Other cards have been modified to have better text (they work the same way)- Improved Rulebooks
– The new cards will also be available as a minor product (with a new card separator, but no insert or rulebook)
– Dominion Update Pack, Intrigue Update Pack.
– Changed cover art and added the term “Second Edition”
– Changed expansion symbol

Additionally for Dominion:
– Three cards have changed slightly (“You can” has been added to the Loan shark, Mine, and Throne Room text)
– Base cards have improved artwork (like Base Cards, but better)
– Trash is now a playmat instead of a letter

Additionally to Intrigue:
– One card changed slightly (Masquerade skips players on cards in hand)
– Base cards are not included in the box

These changes are for Basic Dominion and Intrigue only; the other boxes will have no new cards. However, all pre-Empire expansions will have new rulebooks and card layout improvements as soon as new prints are released (Empire already has these changes).

The different types of changes:
– Some texts have been improved to be clearer / simpler.
– Now we use “they” instead of “he”.
– A larger font is being used on cards where this is possible.
– +Letters etc. in the body of the text is in bold.
– Layout will be more consistent and have better centering of text etc.

Update Packs contain only the new cards and an updated card separator, in a small box. There is one for Dominion and one for Intrigue, each with 7 new cards (80 cards in total). We don't really know what the demand for them will be, and we don't actually own them (since anyone who buys the new boxes will get the new cards), but it exists now and people who want these new cards and don't buy Dominion or Intrigue again, they will be able to buy Update Packs.

New versions of Base Cards will have the cards updated. I don't know exactly when. The Big Box will also be updated.

14469582_1074153282681435_2841889858244223508_nWe still don't know exactly what changes in the dominion. But we are going to Essen and intend to return from there with more information. What we can say is that Conclave will launch in Brazil this new edition and the update pack of the basic game for those who already have the previous edition.

And you know what's best, we have the ranking system ready to go and we already guarantee that next year a spot in the Dominion world championship, at GencCon, in Indianapolis, will be from Brazil. So, get ready to have pain in your hands from so much shuffling, because everything will be dominated, again!

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