Showing 97–112 of 138 results

  • VtES – 5th Edition: Toreador


    Vampires of Clan Toreador are the creatives and divas of vampiric society, always seeking pleasure and worship in undeath. They are obsessed with beauty and sensation, turning their political plots into works of art. Though as bloodthirsty as any other clan, they engage in the Eternal Struggle in style.

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  • VtES – 5th Edition: Tzimisce [Pre-order]


    The Tzimisce were once noble tyrants of Eastern Europe, but in modern nights they lust for power across the world. For them, control is everything. They intend to take what you thought was yours and then jealously guard your possessions like a dragon guards its treasure.

    PRE-SALE PRODUCT – Shipments scheduled for October 2024.

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  • VTES – Bundle – Free Anarchists


    This one bundle special is focused on the anarchist sect and comes from the collection launched on Kickstarter. 

    Lots of possibilities to spice up your deck!

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  • VTES – Bundle – Danse Macabre


    This one bundle special is focused on the Sabbat sect and comes from the collection launched on Kickstarter. 

    Lots of possibilities to spice up your deck!


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  • VTES – Bundle – Echoes of Gehenna


    And the Antediluvians will make for themselves
    an empire of blood
    They will rule with iron claws
    They'll rip out the hearts of everyone still alive
    And the sum total of earth's life shall live
    in the Last City, called Gehenna.

    – The Book of Nod

    This set is a fixed assortment of 53 cards to add to your Vampire: The Eternal Struggle collection. It focuses on the Gehenna event cards, featuring incidents that, according to vampire mythology, signal the end of the world. 


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  • VTES – Bundle – Shadows of Berlin and The Fall of London


    The Fall of London

    London vampire society trembles. Mithras, ancient divine ruler of Britain, has returned to claim his dominion. Will you join his cult or dare to defy his plans? At the same time, the Second Inquisition launches a massive operation to hunt down and destroy the city's undead residents. Will these be your last nights, or will you use this crisis to gain the upper hand over your enemies?

    berlin shadows

    “The last prince of Berlin died in the street, torn apart by an angry mob of anarchists. This is something to think about if you believe that the Camarilla is forever, or that the young and naive Kindred of the Anarch Movement will never pose a real threat.”

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  • VtES – First Blood: Malkavian


    First Blood is a collection of 55 cards in an introductory, pre-built deck for the Vampire: The Eternal Struggle card game. These decks are simpler than decks built for tournaments, but show all the basic mechanics of the game. They are balanced against each other to provide fun and an exciting introduction to the Vampire: The Eternal Struggle card game. Its cards are official and prepared to be used in conjunction with all other editions of the game.

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  • VtES – First Blood: Toreador


    First Blood is a collection of 55 cards in an introductory, pre-built deck for the Vampire: The Eternal Struggle card game. These decks are simpler than decks built for tournaments, but show all the basic mechanics of the game. They are balanced against each other to provide fun and an exciting introduction to the Vampire: The Eternal Struggle card game. Its cards are official and prepared to be used in conjunction with all other editions of the game.

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  • VtES – First Blood: Tremere


    First Blood is a collection of 55 cards in an introductory, pre-built deck for the Vampire: The Eternal Struggle card game. These decks are simpler than decks built for tournaments, but show all the basic mechanics of the game. They are balanced against each other to provide fun and an exciting introduction to the Vampire: The Eternal Struggle card game. Its cards are official and prepared to be used in conjunction with all other editions of the game.

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  • VtES – First Blood: Ventrue


    First Blood is a collection of 55 cards in an introductory, pre-built deck for the Vampire: The Eternal Struggle card game. These decks are simpler than decks built for tournaments, but show all the basic mechanics of the game. They are balanced against each other to provide fun and an exciting introduction to the Vampire: The Eternal Struggle card game. Its cards are official and prepared to be used in conjunction with all other editions of the game.

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  • VTES – New Blood – Banu Haqim


    The Banu Haqim clan arises from an ancient lineage of warriors, sorcerers and assassins. They are now pillars of law and Tradition in vampire society, though they are not immune to intrigue and political squabbling.

    With this deck you use a combination of stealth, threats, and violence to triumph. Your vampires have high political status and excellent combat skills.

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  • VTES – New Blood – Brujah


    The Brujah clan was once made up of great philosophers and feared warriors in vampire society. In the modern nights, they are known as troublemakers, always ready for violence when words are not enough.

    This deck relies on a combination of political cunning and anarch tactics, as well as the supernatural strength and speed of its vampires to deter any opposition.

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  • VTES – New Blood – Gangrel


    The fierce Gangrel clan are shapeshifters and whisperers of beasts. Most of them roam the fringes of society, only interfering with vampire politics with their sharp claws to safeguard their freedom.

    This deck focuses on defense and confrontation to take control of the game. Your vampires know how to thwart enemy actions and escape every battle unscathed.

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  • VTES – New Blood – Malkavian [Pre-order]


    The Malkavian Clan is made up of seers and lunatics – mysterious oracles of vampire society. Although tormented by mental afflictions, they are gifted with supernatural vision.

    This deck is a toolbox that mixes bleeding actions and political actions, focused on dealing direct damage against enemy Methuselahs. Your vampires ignore combat skills and focus on stealth and cunning skills.

    PRE-SALE PRODUCT – Shipments scheduled for October 2024.

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  • VTES – New Blood – Nosferatu [Pre-order]


    The Nosferatu Clan is made up of hideous Kindred, grotesquely deformed by the Embrace. They hide in the shadows and subterranean darkness, commanding animals as spies and allies in battle.

    This deck builds a strong defense with lots of animal minions. It slowly gnaws at its prey, but can also surprise by sending enemy vampires into torpor.

    PRE-SALE PRODUCT – Shipments scheduled for October 2024.

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  • VTES – New Blood – The Ministry


    The Ministry is a clan of temptation vampires. They revel in sin, pushing boundaries to the extreme and using deceptive powers to entice unsuspecting victims to do what they want.

    This mischievous deck trades defense for a strong offense. Your vampire minions use politics, enchantment, and Anarch tricks to target their enemies, and evade capture using mind tricks and shapeshifting.

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