We know that everyone is curious and worried about the whereabouts of the Dominion, especially those who pre-ordered it. That's why we came to explain what happened, and we count on your understanding.

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Transmission Summary

For you who, for whatever obscure, unimaginable or unthinkable reason, could not watch our broadcast on August 31st on facebook, we have made a simple and objective summary of what

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We know that everyone is curious and worried about the whereabouts of the Dominion, especially those who pre-ordered it. So we came to explain what happened, and we count on everyone's understanding. First, we are fully aware that failure to meet the deadlines informed during pre-sales is quite bad, and you should know that we always strive to meet them and offer the best experience to our customers and shopkeepers. Returning to Dominion… what happened was a production failure, and for that reason some cards had to be reprinted, precisely

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Boardgame Day and Room 25 Tournament – How was it!

Last Saturday we held the first Room 25 tournament and our Boardgame Day, in partnership with The Escape Game. During the whole day about 45 people went through the event and had a lot of fun with us, and the coolest thing is that a good part of the public was introduced to modern board games for the first time (and of course, they gained several XP because of it). In addition to several games, there was also the first Room 25 tournament. The tournament was held between teams of 3 against 3, and the teams

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Transmission Summary

For those of you who, for whatever obscure, unimaginable or unthinkable reason, were unable to watch our broadcast on August 31st on facebook, we have made a simple and objective summary of what happened in terms of information and news. So you don't miss anything! Let's go: Dominion 2nd Edition: We comment on the opening of the pre-order (which is already happening), along with the expansion Intrigue and the Update Pack, which converts the first edition of Dominion to the second. Pre-sales are already taking place in our virtual store and partner stores. With the return of

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About the company

All universes are in Conclave. Fantasy and fiction through Board Games, RPGs and Fantastic Literature!

We are passionate about analog games and we want more people to be able to enjoy fantastic, playful experiences and rediscover how cool it can be to gather around a table and simply play with their friends and family.

That's why we have the best games to ensure everyone's fun!