This deck is about charm and misdirection. Your vampires use their powers of Obfuscation and Presence to distract and manipulate enemies, sapping their power. For protection, you rely on spies and animal guards and even more illusions to render even the most powerful threat completely harmless.
This is a deck with 77 library cards and 12 crypt cards, ready to play immediately or customizable with other cards from Vampire: The Eternal Struggle. Each player needs a deck to play.
The number before each card indicates how many copies of the card the deck contains.
Crypt (12 cards)
1 Aintzane Arriaga (NEW)
1 Araceli “Celia” Rivera (NEW)
1 Azucena (NEW)
1 Braden White (NEW)
2 Gnaeus Aemilius Augustinus (NEW)
1 Kamaluddin (NEW)
2 María del Toro (NEW)
1 Rinaldo Albizzi (NEW)
2 Yewon Ong (NEW)
Library (77 cards)
1 Elysian Fields Campos Elíseos
1 Information Highway Supervia da Informação
1 Oblivion (NEW) Oblívio
1 Political Hunting Ground Campo de Caça: Comitê Político
1 Power Structure Estrutura do Poder
2 Sudden Reversal Reviravolta Repentina
3 Villein Vassalo
7 Govern the Unaligned Governar os Desalinhados
2 Puppet Master (NEW) Mestre Titereiro
1 Ancilla Empowerment Empoderamento dos Ancillae
2 Camarilla’s Iron Fist Punho de Ferro da Camarilla
2 Expulsion (NEW) Expulsão
3 Kine Resources Contested Contestar Recursos do Rebanho
2 Parity Shift Mudança de Paridade
4 Amici Noctis (NEW) Amici Noctis
4 Shadow Cast (NEW) Projetar Sombras
4 Shadow Cloak (NEW) Manto de Sombras
4 Stygian Shroud (NEW) Mortalha Estígia
2 The Sleeping Mind A Mente Adormecida
4 Where the Veil Thins (NEW) Onde a Mortalha Afina
4 Ominous Chorus (NEW) Coro Sinistro
2 Arms of Ahriman (NEW) Braços de Ahriman
4 Pass Through Shadow (NEW) Atravessar as Sombras
2 Touch of Oblivion (NEW) Toque do Oblívio
6 Deflection Deflexão
6 Second Tradition: Domain Segunda Tradição: O Domínio
2 Truth in Darkness (NEW) Verdade na Escuridão
1 carta de referência