When purchasing a copy of the book Chronicles of Avalon: The Beginning, you receive, free of charge, a copy of the magazine Arthur: A Celtic Epic #01, from the publishing house Ediouro.

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Arthur: A Celtic Epic approaches the origins of the Arthurian myth from a realistic perspective, in which magic enters as a supporting character.
The series is divided into seven numbers. Each of them narrates the trajectory of the tribal wars on Breton soil that culminated in the disaggregation of the peoples born in the region that today corresponds to English lands.

Chronicles of Avalon: The BeginningWelcome to the universe of Merlin, Arthur, Morgana and so many other unforgettable heroes!

Inspired by the Arthurian novels by Bernard Cornwell, Marion Zimmer Bradley and Mary Stewart, Chronicles of Avalon is the newest adaptation of the myth that deals with the wild and mysterious Old Britannia of the 19th century. VI AD, fifteen years before the death of Arthur and Mordred in the terrible battle of Camlann. In all, a trilogy that will begin with the first volume to be released by Christmas this year.

CliqueOnce the most beloved and feared monarch of his time, the Great King has suddenly transformed himself into an embittered and almost catatonic old man since the discovery of the romance between his most loyal knight, Sir Lancelot, and his own wife, the beautiful Guinevere. Determined to return the Great King to his former self, the Knights of the Round Table disappeared across the world in search of the Holy Grail, the only artifact that can break the curse that has since gripped Old Britain.

Without these knights, violence and fear have once again spread across the realms. As Irish marauders once again disturb the sleep of those living in the west, in the north it is feared that a new horde of Picts will cross Hadrian's Wall in search of blood. Even in the east, where Saxon slaves live, there is fear of revolt, not to mention lords who no longer recognize the High King's authority over their lands. Who can avoid the worst?

Get ready! Sharpen your weapons, say your prayers and ask your ancestors for guidance, as the most epic battles and the most insidious political disputes are about to begin, in what is one of the most known and beloved universes of all time.

In the first volume of the trilogy, Chronicles of Avalon – The Beginning, you will find:

– Essential information about the Great Kingdom of Old Britain during the quest for the Holy Grail.
– Everything that GMs and players need to start their first adventures in the kingdom of Logres, where the abode of the Great King, Camelot, the refuge of Avalon and the mysterious “sieve of the giants” of Stonehenge are found.
– The possibility for players to start their chronicles with characters of level 1, 3, 5, 9 or 12, depending on their starting age.
– New Decrepitude rule, to balance older characters with younger ones.
– A British name generator, to facilitate character creation.
– Extensive description of the six most important peoples of Old Britain: Pagans (Welsh), Britons, Saxons, Romans, Irish and Picts.
– 6 new Prestige Classes (knight, emissary, general, ruler, patriarch and priestess), in addition to the necessary adaptations in the original classes for the scenario.
– More than 10 new Talents.
Optional rules to make combat more realistic without making it less heroic.
– Practical, easy and fast battle system between armies (mass combat).

d20 System – To play, you will need the Player's Handbook, version 3.5.

Chronicles of Avalon – The Beginning
Author: Pedro Borges
Cover Illustration: Flavio Augusto Ribeiro
Internal Illustrations: Flavio Augusto Ribeiro and Pedro Borges
(with special thanks to Carlos Eduardo Silva) ISBN: 85-89690-11-3
Pages: 64
Price: R$ 19.90

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