DrukwerkWalking through the streets of your city you realize that the bars that exist there do not satisfactorily meet the demand for special beers, beers produced by hand. Then comes the brilliant idea of opening a different Pub, whose objective will be to produce the special beers that customers demand.

But the production of special beers attracts special customers, the Bois, who will make their Pub the best bar in town. They are picky when it comes to beer quality, so you'll do anything to please your taste buds.

However, as the old saying goes that “in nature nothing is lost, nothing is created, everything is copied”, other Master Brewers copied his idea and ended up opening their own pubs. So began the battle for these special customers, the Master Brewers started brewing more and more beer in an attempt to make their Pub the best in town.

All care is little. Do not exaggerate in production so there is no waste. Don't serve beer too much, you don't want your customers to go into an alcoholic coma. And finally, guarantee the quality of your beer so that your customers don't trade you for another Master Brewer!

Baby ox is a funny and very tactical card game. The oxen are thirsty. As a bar owner you seek to make your pub the most popular in town. The other bar owners and you will do anything to see their Pub full of oxen to serve them their favorite beer. But oxen are very demanding! That's why it's important that you have the right beer in stock. The choice of beer type is what makes this game fun, making you keep an eye on the beers available!


How to play:

  1. take the oxen: take ox cards and place them face up in the center of the table;
  2. collect beers: each player draws 6 beer cards, chooses 2 and passes the rest to the player on their left. Place the two chosen cards in front of you face down, aligned vertically. Choose 2 of the 4 cards you received from the player to your right and place them on top of your other cards. Discard the 2 remaining cards.
  3. Brewing the beers (auction): Reveal the top card of your row. If you want, you can reveal more cards, but the card to be revealed must always be the top one. You can brew different types of beer, but the one who has brewed the most of the same type wins the auction.
  4. choose an ox: the first player to choose an ox will be the one who places the highest bid. The second highest bidder takes the remaining ox.
  5. serving the beer: You can now serve your brewed beer to your customers, but only 1 beer per customer per round. With that you earn points!
  6. Changing starting player (Brewmaster): The player with the highest bid receives the Brewmaster card and will be the first player in the next round.

12742729_772458662859713_5947844311620550230_nAfter 7 rounds there is a bonus round (saideira) in which you can serve your customers the beers from your secret cellar.

After the bonus round, the game ends. You earn points depending on the beer you served to your customers (oxen). The one with the most points wins the game.

The match has a wide variety in the choice of which type of beer to prepare, mainly because each match will have a different set of steers.

That's it folks, after a little while working hard to ensure the quality of our services, Conclave opens the 2016 release season with the game Baby ox, an excellent (and very cheap) tactical card game that involves a great national passion, Beer!

When? Pre-sale starts at the end of this week! Keep an eye on your favorite shopkeeper and ask him now!

Welcome to Conclave 2016 and good games!

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