For those who couldn't follow our anniversary live and are curious to know all the news and upcoming releases, we'll make it easy for you and give you a summary of everything we talk about.

In this first part the international games. Don't miss the second part about Brazilian games!

Yea! Let's bring the Brass, or rather the Brass! We closed a partnership with Roxley and Brass Lancashire and Brass Birmingham should arrive later this semester in Tupiniquin lands, entirely in Portuguese!

For those who like simpler games with a little bluffing and area control, we're bringing you Fae. It's a re-implementation of Clans (nominated for Spiel des Jahres), but with new art and some tweaks.

In Fae, each player is responsible for a group of druids who must advance along the path and score according to the game's areas.

Fairy Tile, which is also coming this year, is a cardgame with incredible art, in which each player is telling a story (although there is no storytelling in the game) – each card is a page in the book.

Excellent family game and extremely fun for any situation.

As you know, we are fanatical about vikings! And since the launch of Jórvík we haven't released anything else with the theme.

But this year we will have Raids, Iello's loot and navigation game. In the game, each player controls his Drakkar (Viking ship), which is traveling all over the world in search of the best artifacts, looting, trading, recruiting more vikings for the crew and trying to improve his drakkar.

Raids is coming with an improved manual, wonderful art and will be a great strategic game option with a hint of take that, after all, screwing your little friend is necessary!

UPDATE: Raids will no longer be coming via Conclave.

We've been asked a lot about the possibility of bringing the missing piece to complete the Masks trilogy. And now we can announce that Cuzco is coming to join Tikal and Mexico.

Cuzco is a re-implementation of old Java, which also brings the mechanics of area control and city building.

Finally, we will have the launch of the world's first board console! For those who enjoy board games, but are also passionate about classic video games – 8Bit Box.

8Bit Box comes with several components and 3 games. The idea is that all games can be played using these components, as if the components were really a console and the games, the cartridges.

PacMan, Decathlon and F-Zero say anything to you? Exactly! These three classic video game games are games adapted for the board!

But, Conclave, will there be an expansion or will I just have these 3 forever?

Iello is now releasing new “cartridges”/games for the 8Bit Box, and as they are released, we will bring them.

UPDATE: Due to changes in the way Iello is treating 8Bit Box, the game is getting a rewrite, its release project is frozen for now.

A lot, right? Did you like it? In the next post we will talk about the national games that will conquer the world this year!

Ah, keep an eye on our networks because we don't stop there! There's still more fantastic news to come 😉

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