Soon we will launch the pre-sale of the incredible The Treasure Island, a game based on the novel Robert Louis Stevenson, in which players – pirates – try to find the hidden treasure of Long John Silver, their former captain, over which they mutinied.

But it's not just Long John Silver's treasure that is hidden. The Conclave also left a hidden treasure on the internet and a great hunt for it begins today! You are invited to participate in this quest, without leaving your home, for a treasure filled with Conclave prizes. Find out how below.

Promotion rules

  • Several gaming channels, including Conclave itself, will drop tips in their posts, videos, podcasts and other media.
  • The tips will be given in the most varied ways, from riddles to effect phrases, images and sounds.
  • When put together, in the correct order, the tips form a one-page link. By accessing this link, each one will find the final riddle and, by solving it, they gain access to a form to compete for the grand final prize: the Conclave Treasure!
  • Whenever a new channel publishes a post with a tip, Conclave will share it on its social networks to facilitate your search!
  • The promotion is valid from today, 05/22/2020 to 06/22/2020. The result will be released on the 26/06/2020th!

The Treasure of the Conclave

As with all treasure quests, adventurers are never sure what they will find in the Chest. Here we will do the same. Our treasure chest is filled with amazing games, but they are all surprises!

So don't waste time! Stay at home and participate in this exciting virtual treasure hunt!

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